Dr. Simon's All-American Tube Man is an interactive, life-sized tube man photo-op.
Self-Portraits are an array of fully automated, oral-fixating, mechanical, chrome-plated, porcelain faces.
September 11, 2001 marks the date of one of the most notorious terrorist attacks of all time. Through the use of painting, this installation aims to consider the lost perspectives of those who died during the attacks.
Scale ties the viewer into the paintings, recreating the physical space of the Towers and Flight 11. Each painting of the North Tower looks North towards Flight 11 and features life-sized architectural beams that are the exact dimensions of the steal beams used in the Twin Towers. Each painting of the Flight 11 Series has true-to-life-sized airplane-windows showing views of Brooklyn, as would have been seen from the left side of the aircraft in its final seconds before impacting the North Tower.
Hi Cutie ;)